Plated cooked broccoli, with stems

Don’t Toss Your Broccoli Stems: Try This Delicious Recipe Instead

Broccoli is a delicious vegetable. But most people don’t make the most of this versatile ingredient.

In my experience, most people chop the heads off the stem and then toss the stem in the bin. If they do use the stem, they usually cook the stem along with the heads. In short, people don’t know how to cook broccoli stems.

But, since the stems are a lot denser and woodier they need a longer cooking time. Consequently, cooking them together often results in either overcooked broccoli heads or undercooked and tough stems. Either way: it’s disappointing.

It doesn’t have to be like this. If you cook the stems first on a relatively high heat, you can get the stems soft and nicely browned. You can then add the broccoli heads, or cook them separately.

The stems are delicious and they’re good for you, too.

The stems can then be added to whatever dish calls for the broccoli — whether a salad or as a side-dish. Or just toss them with some condiments and enjoy them by themselves.

Broccoli stems recipe


Serves: 2

  • 1 head fresh broccoli
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • Salt (to taste)


  1. Clean your broccoli and place on chopping board.
    How to cook broccoli stems: a head of broccoli
  2. Separate the florets from the stem and keep them aside. Chop the stem into bite-size chunks. Discard the base of the stem as this is woody and generally unpleasant.
    How to cook broccoli stems: prepped broccoli
  3. Heat the oil in a pan over medium to medium-high heat, then add the broccoli stems. Season with salt to taste.
    How to cook broccoli stems: broccoli stems sautéing in the pan
  4. Fry the stems until they are nicely caramelised all over, like this:
    How to cook broccoli stems: caramelised broccoli stems
  5. At this point, you can reintroduce the broccoli florets to the pan or prepare them separately, such as by steaming.
    How to cook broccoli stems: caramelised broccoli stems with the broccoli heads added
  6. Serve immediately. Garnish with sauce, cheese or any other condiments.
    How to cook broccoli stems: cooked broccoli and broccoli stems

3 thoughts on “Don’t Toss Your Broccoli Stems: Try This Delicious Recipe Instead”

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